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Can Deadbolt Locks Reduce Your Homeowner’s Insurance Premiums?

January 11, 2019


Homeowner’s insurance can be expensive. Anyone who owns a home needs insurance to protect their investment, but in years when you don’t need to file a claim, paying a high homeowner’s insurance premium seems like a waste of money. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to reduce your homeowner’s premiums, including having deadbolts installed on exterior doors.

deadbolt locks and insurance

Depends on the Homeowner’s Insurance Provider

Ultimately, whether your homeowner’s insurance provider will give you a discount on your annual premiums for installing deadbolts depends on the company and your policy. It is worth calling your insurance provider to discuss what discounts are available and whether it makes sense for you to invest in the upgrades. Many insurance companies provide discounts for deadbolts.

If your particular insurance provider does not offer discounts for installing deadbolts on exterior doors, you have a few options. You could switch insurance companies to one that does offer the discount. You may be able to get a better rate by switching your insurance anyway through new customer incentives and a different policy.

Either way, deadbolts should reduce your homeowner’s insurance costs. Deadbolts make it more difficult for burglars to enter your home. This means you’re less likely to need to file a homeowner’s insurance claim. If you filed a claim, your rates could increase for the following year.

Deadbolts on All Exterior Doors

If your insurance company provides discounts for installing deadbolts, you will likely need a deadbolt installed on all exterior doors. Many homes only have deadbolts on the front door. This may not be enough to qualify for an insurance premium discount, as burglars can just choose to gain access from another, less-secure door.

New Installation vs. Existing Deadbolts

If your home already has deadbolts installed, there is a chance that your existing insurance premium already used that information to create a price quote for you. This means that your homeowner’s insurance could have been higher without the deadbolts. Typically, you would need to have new deadbolts installed to reduce the annual premiums. Be sure to check with your insurance provider to see if they applied the appropriate discounts for deadbolts to your policy.

Deadbolt locks are plainly a good investment that offers an inexpensive and quick way to improve the security of your home. High tech security systems can be breached. Picking a lock and a deadbolt takes a bit of time that most home intruders simply don’t have when it comes to breaking into a house. Sometimes the simplest solution can offer your family substantial protection against threats.

Ready to Get Started?

If you are ready to have a deadbolt lock installed in your home for security reasons or an insurance discount, contact Texas Premier Locksmith today at (866) 948-8188.