If you need to call a locksmith because you are locked out of the house or car, there is some information that you will need to provide while requesting service and when the locksmith arrives on site. Some of this information will vary based on the specific situation, but you should be prepared to at least think about the answers to these questions. Here is an overview of what information your locksmith will request and what to look for in a locksmith.
Proof of Ownership
Locksmiths are only able to open locks for the property that you own. If you understand how locksmiths check ownership, you can be prepared to have the right documentation available that you need. A photo identification card or a bill with an address that matches another photo ID can be enough for some locksmiths to open up a residential house. Some locksmiths are able to pull property tax records to verify ownership. If you rent, it could be more complicated, as you may need to call your landlord to get permission to unlock the property. If you have any questions about what proof of documentation you will need, be sure to discuss this process with the locksmith in advance.
Type of Lock
When you call the locksmith, be sure to mention the type of lock that you need to be opened. This includes smart locks, car locks, deadbolts, and padlocks. Not all locksmiths provide service to all types of locks. You can save time and energy by ensuring that the locksmith you call can provide the service that you need.
Brand of Lock
If possible, you can also let your locksmith know about the brand of lock that you need to be opened. Some brands of locks have special tools available that can make the process even easier. If your locksmith knows about the brand in advance, they can bring that correct tools with them.
Alternative Entry Points
Be sure to let your locksmith know if there are alternative entry points available. You may not realize that, but an alternative entry point might be easier to access than the one being serviced. Even if you are not able to gain access to your home from an alternative entry point, it is still worth letting your locksmith know. You never know what information could help.
Do You Have A Key?
Many people call a locksmith because they have been locked out of their car or home. Sometimes, they are locked out because a key is stuck. If this is the case, be sure to let your locksmith know on the phone that you have a key but it isn’t working. They may need to bring different tools with them.
Need to call a trustworthy locksmith after being locked out of your car or home? Texas Premier Locksmith has been serving Texas homeowners and businesses for many years. Our fully licensed and accredited team of professionals are well-trained and able to help you gain access to your home. You can contact us at (866) 948-8188 for more advice or an in-person visit.